So today i´m going to tell you my recipe for lemon drizzle cakes as show you which Spanish products I use and where I get them from. This is a favorite in our house by myself and my spanish partner.
You will need;
For the cake
250g butter
250g sugar
4 eggs
230g flour
1/2 tea spoon og bicarbonate soda
the finely grated zest of 2 lemons (save the lemons)
For the drizzle
the jucie of the two lemons from earlier
100g sugar.
- firstly you need to preheat your oven to 180c or 160c if using a fan oven.
- then beat together your utter and sugar till pale and creamy
(the butter and sugar I use pictured above both come from Lidl - what your butter and sugar should look like)
- Next add the 4 eggs in one by one mixing through completly.
(the eggs I use pictured above come from Dia - what your eggsshould look like once complete)
- Sift the flour and the baking powder slowly mixxing through after each addition - then combine the lemon zest and mx well
(The flour I use comes from lidl the bicarbonate soda from mercadona - look at the zest from them spanish lemons )
- grease your baking tin or line your cupcake trays - spoon in the mixture and level the top by banging on counter a few times ( this also lets any air bubbles escape)
(my cake and cupcakes before they go in the oven )
- bake for 50 mins to an hour if in a cake tin - 30-40 mins if cupcakes (skewer should come out of center completly clean)
- while your cakes or cupcakes are cooling to one side - heat your sugar and lemon jucice just untill your sugar disolves -stab your cake or cupcakes all over with a clean skewer - then pour your lemon syrup slowly over the top of your skewered cake/cupcakes.
(Your finished cakes should look similar to this )
- sprinkly with some sugar and leave to cool
Then make a cup of tea sit back and enjoy!!!
stay tuned for make bakes and even some homecomfort meals !!