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Entering phase 1 of de-escalation

So on monday the Marina baixa entered phase 1. This means that we can now meet our friends in groups of 10, some bars have reopened there outside terraces to the public at 50% occupancy, and you can travel in cars with occupants of another household as long as you wear a mask.

Me an my partner met a friend for few drinks in benidorm and heres my experience of the day;

The 1st bar we visited was in La Cala near the beachfront. The tables where coreectly spaced out, and social distancing was enforced. it was very quiet no music just a distant sound of chitter chatter.

Upon using the bathroom we had to use hydoalcohol gel upon entry and exit, and only one person allowed in at once.

It was nice and calming especially being able to see the beautiful colour of the sea, very warm and sunny. That 1st sip of beer was refreshing and delicious and it was lovely to recive some Green olives and typical Spanish "banderillas" green pickles. followed by chrizo and fuet as "tapa" with the beers.

It did not feel normal which was expected but not in a bad way was a calm relaxing outing.

The second and only other bar was in Benidorm, I finally got a taste of my favorite Desperado, again the tables where far apart and they had taken over the space of a premise for sale next door.

The same rules applied for the bathroom and there was gel available on the bar also, the staff where i masks and gloves buy you could tell they where smiling and trying to be upbeat as possible. It was lovely seeing friends frinally seeing each other after 60 days apart.

All in all a fantastic day 2 bars both following all measure to protect themselves and us the customers.

We have a long was to go yet so lets not let our guard down, but it was amazing to see the right steps being taken toward ·A NEW NORMAL

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